Note: This page is archived and will not be updated. HTML code shown on page does not work.

Join the Sven Brägers DogWeb Now! programme
SBDW NOW! logoNow you too can join the Sven Brägers DogWeb Now! programme and become part of one of the most important communities on the net!
 It´s simple: Put the SBDW Now! icon on your own page, and combine it with a link to the DogWeb. This way you show all other net citizens that you´re really something, and you provide them with a fast way to see the light as well. In return, we expect you to keep a good Brägerian standard on your site, whether it is related to Dog Service or not.
 Go ahead, paste this bit of HTML into your homepage:

<a href="">
<img src="" width=90 height=121 border=0>

How to become a sponsor
SBDW Official Sponsor logoAnyone who sympathizes with the opinions expressed on these pages is welcome to become an Official Sponsor of the DogWeb. The cheapest way to become a sponsor is to let up room on your homepage for a 90x121 pixel GIF (the one to the right). The most expensive way has not yet been determined, but we´re sure you can come up with something. A holiday in Greece for four persons would be fine just now.
 Even if you do sponsor us a more generous way, we still want you to let up room for our GIF on your homepage, combined with a link to the sponsee(?). This is the HTML we want you to use:

<a href="">
<img src="" width=90 height=121 border=0>

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© 1995-1996 Brägers Hundservice & Videt
Last updated 17 June 1996